The Great Buddha Statue in Bodhgaya, India
Of all Buddhist scriptures, Daijokyo embraces the Lotus Sutra (Saddharmapundarika Sutra), which is called the king of sutras.
Doctrine of Daijokyo
Daijokyo is a lay-Buddhist organization founded 90 years ago in Japan by
the late Most Reverend Tatsuko Sugiyama.
Seeking to apply to modern times the Buddhist idea of "training through practice," Daijokyo considers the Lotus Sutra to be a textbook of the Three Virtuous Practices -Jihi (Compassion or Dana), Makoto (Honesty or Sila) and Kannin (Patience or Ksanti) - and consistently preaches to apply them to everyday life.
Principal Images
As principal images, Daijokyo primarily embraces the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha, along with his four attendants Visistacaritra, Anantacaritra, Visuddhacaritra and Supratisthitacaritra.
Daijokyo Buddhist Temple enshrines those principal images in the Main Hall of the Shakado, which is open to all, regardless of nationality or religion.
Daijokyo was founded by
the Most Rev. Tatsuko Sugiyama, whom Daijokyo believers embrace as a reincarnation of Supratisthitacaritra. To bring ourselves as close as possible to Supratisthitacaritra, who pledged to help all people, Daijokyo believers make daily efforts to practice the founder's teachings..
Why India?
Daijokyo has maintained its temple in Bodhgaya in Bihar, India for more
than 20 years, engaging in local relief activities. People occasionally
ask me, "Why do you operate in India ? in Bodhgaya, Bihar among other
places ? such a long way from Japan?" In a case such as this, I always
refer to three points as our motives, as explained below.
Point One is, of course, that India is the home of Buddhism. Buddha came into the world about 2,500 years ago, being born in India and leaving revered teachings. We believers in Daijokyo have a desire, as his disciples, to be part of the eternal history of Buddhism.
Point Two is that Bodhgaya holds the highest position of all the Four Holy
Places in Buddhism. Gautama Siddhartha, a prince of the Sakya clan, was
spiritually awakened and became Buddha in Bodhgaya. If it were not for
his Enlightenment (attainment of Buddhahood by Sakyamuni under the Bodhi
Tree), Buddhism would not exist. Therefore, in Daijokyo we consider it
the greatest honor for Buddhists to work in Bodhgaya, the birthplace of
Point Three is associated with the teachings of the Most Rev. Tatsuko Sugiyama, the founder of Daijokyo. Most Rev. Sugiyama pledged, "I will be the Sun to light the Embudai." Embudai, or jambudvipa in Sanskrit, has several meanings such as "the world in which humankind lives (the entire world)" and "the Indian subcontinent." Daijokyo believers read in her words her lofty aspirations to return to the origin of Buddhism (Embudai in narrower sense, meaning Bodhgaya, India), to make a fresh start from
there in spreading throughout all the world (Embudai in broader sense) the teachings of Buddha and the Saddharmapundarika Sutra (the Lotus Sutra), and to save people ("be the Sun"). We make continuous efforts every day toward attaining her aim.

By Hoyo Sugisaki, Chief Abbot and President of
(at centre of photograph: Mahabodhi Temple, 2004)